100-WORD STORY (#1)

Thursday, January 16, 2014 0 Comments A+ a-

In the confession room, she bemoaned her woes to the priest she had just met for the first time.

He seemed different – smiling, genuinely-concerned and non-judgmental, unlike others!

Finally someone understood her, she thought.

Suddenly, there was a loud-knock at the door.

“There you are! Running away again?” a man with a gruff voice shouted.

Frightened, she thought - what does he want?

The priest panicked.

The door was flung open. He was dragged out by the shouting man, who wears a badge which reads ‘Hope Mental-Care Institution’.

She felt lost, again.

Her savior in white-cassock is now in white-straitjacket…

- eve

100-word Story (#1)


#microfiction #hundredwordstories #comedy #life#women